Swietokrzyskie Innovation System

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Swietokrzyskie Innovation System - Health and health- promoting tourism

Unique medicinal water resources, mainly sulfide/hydrogen sulfide brines and iodine bromide, specific, mild microclimate and clean air caused that health and pro-health tourism was among the main directions of economic development of the region. The most famous spas are: Busko-Zdrój and Solec-Zdrój. It is here that the spa facilities of a broad therapeutic profile, equipped with specialised and constantly improved equipment, are most rapidly growing. Accommodation and recreational facilities with spa facilities and long-term care facilities are established across the region. Scientific and research facilities with a biobank at Regionalne Centrum Naukowo-Technologiczne [the Regional Centre for Science and Technology] and the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach  [Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce] are developed. A few universities from the Świętokrzyskie region educate specialists in physiotherapy. The investments related to the exploitation of the thermal and sulfide water intakes in the area of Kazimierza Wielka can become a huge chance for further development of the spa industry. They have chemical properties similar to waters from Busko-Zdrój and Solec-Zdrój and generate exceptional in the country performance of 300 m³ per hour.

The coordinator of the specialisation implementation in health and pro-health tourism is Busko-Zdrój Spa S.A.

Date of publication: Tuesday, 21 June 2016

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copyrights @ 2010 - 2025
Marshall Office of the Swietokrzyskie Region
Investment and Development Department
Innovation and Knowledge Transfer Unit
Human capital - National Cohesion Strategy European Union - European Social Fund
Project is co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund