Swietokrzyskie Innovation System

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Swietokrzyskie Innovation System - Metal and Casting Industry

Metal-casting industry is one of the most developed sectors of the economy of the Świętokrzyskie region. It derives its potential from traditions dating back to the times of the Old Polish and Central Industrial District. It is nearly one thousand five hundred active enterprises and about ten thousand workplaces.

Almost 12% of the total value of sold industrial production proves the above-average role of this sector in the economy of the region.-

The products of the metal casting plants of the Świętokrzyskie region effectively compete on the European and world markets. Currently the products of this industry account for nearly 30% of the value of total export of the region.

It is the merit of offering customers a diverse product range which is prepared basing on modern machinery, laboratories for quality control and also automation and robotics of production. The plants of metal-casting industry benefit from the latest technologies and still continue to invest in innovative solutions that enable the expansion of the offer.

The coordinator of the implementation of specialisation in metal-casting industry is Staropolska Izba Przemysłowo-Handlowa [The Staropolska Chamber of Industry and Commerce].

Date of publication: Tuesday, 21 June 2016

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copyrights @ 2010 - 2025
Marshall Office of the Swietokrzyskie Region
Investment and Development Department
Innovation and Knowledge Transfer Unit
Human capital - National Cohesion Strategy European Union - European Social Fund
Project is co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund